Updates for Ambrose, LeClaire Halls


It took 128 years, 但可以买滚球的正规平台大厅最初的建设计划最终可能会在今年完成.

这座建筑一直是St. Ambrose education since 1885 may include a steeple clock. 钟表显然是在最初的蓝图中被要求的,但从未安装.

“这显然是一个计划好的时钟,”圣何塞大学负责财务的副总裁迈克·波斯特(Mike Poster)说. Ambrose. "There is even a timer that can be attached to the bell."

In reality, Poster说,今年春天开始的可以买滚球的正规平台和勒克莱尔大厅的工作已经开始倒计时,这两座历史建筑将在接下来的半个世纪里为圣. Ambrose.

“我们真的在谈论给这些建筑未来50年的生命,”Poster说. “这将使我们能够在未来的某个时候进入并对内部进行主要工作. 我们不想做内部,直到我们知道我们有一个严格的信封."

大规模室内装修的计划还在讨论阶段, 但理想情况下,现代化的可以买滚球的正规平台大厅将在不久的将来成为学术中心, Poster said.

勒克莱尔大楼将成为该大学新的行政中心. 它于1916年开放,最初是学校的礼堂、游泳池和体育馆. 1983年体育中心开业后,物理工厂搬到了那里. 这些业务将于明年秋天搬到大学书店和咖啡馆的现址哈里森街,书店将于今年夏天搬到罗加尔斯基中心.

By fall, 这家咖啡店将成为可以买滚球的正规平台大厅下层一个新的咖啡馆风格的蜂巢的一部分. "We want to get the Beehive reinvigorated again," Poster said of a meeting space that will serve pastries, sandwiches, 白天提供汤和沙拉,晚上成为学生休息室. "We want it to be a place where students can hang out."

外部装修最早可能在12月完成. That includes replacing windows in both buildings, some of which may be more than a century old; replacing sandstone with limestone on the lower portions of Ambrose Hall; replacing crumbling brick and deteriorating mortar on both buildings; and replacing the roof on LeClaire.

可以买滚球的正规平台大厦外部的修缮工作还将包括拆除假的复式屋顶,并将中央塔楼恢复到1885年的样子, with a working bell that will be rung on special occasions, Poster said.


Education Together

We are pleased to announce that St. 可以买滚球的正规平台与Mount Mercy大学签署了一项新的联合协议,我们正在探索潜在的战略组合. 我们不仅为我们的每一所大学和我们的正规买球平台有哪些庆祝这个激动人心的消息, but also for the region.


它确实见证了无数难以理解的可以买滚球的正规平台时刻:害羞的男孩尴尬地邀请受欢迎的女孩第一次约会. 一个年轻的学生在洞穴里安静的祈祷,在艰难的一天之后寻求平静. The craziness of Last Blast, the relief after a class presentation, 或是在大屏幕电视上聚精会神地观看世界大事.

Perhaps it would talk of the war protests of the 1960s, 2004年5月在橡树下举行的最后一次户外毕业典礼. 它很可能会深情地反映出那些为了寻找招生办公室而走进欢迎之门的新家庭,以及圣. Ambrose legends left its comforting arms for the last time.

可以买滚球的正规平台大厅见证了所有的一切,经历了所有的变化,它仍然守护着我们. Standing guard, ever the quiet observer, with its soaring steeple, large windows, winding wooden staircases and grand arching hallways.

可以买滚球的正规平台大厅今天屹立不倒不仅仅是因为它建造得很好, but because it has lived well, helping us to understand, in its own way, what it means to live an Ambrosian life.

自1885年以来,可以买滚球的正规平台大厅履行了激励一代又一代可以买滚球的正规平台人的承诺. 它一直致力于向这些学生灌输天主教教义, liberal arts education, 然后看着他们走出校门,准备丰富自己和他人的生活.

是的,在128年的历史中,可以买滚球的正规平台大厅理所当然地赢得了校园标志的称号. Living legend. A face for our esteemed university. 但它会是第一个说,这一切都是因为人们充满了好奇和慷慨的教室, its offices with creativity and kindness, and its hallways with hope and ambition.

从表面上看,可以买滚球的正规平台大厅确实只是另一座建筑. Clay and limestone, wooden staircases and ivied walls. And, yes, OK, even some pretty tacky carpet.

而是因为你——因为你分享的具有感染力的笑声, the conversations you have provoked, the tears you have cried, 你所学到的教训和你所传授的教训——可以买滚球的正规平台大厅有一个稳定而强大的心跳. It breathes with renewed vigor. It lives through your stories. 它热切地等待着更多尚未展开的故事.


In collaboration with World Relief Quad Cities, St. 可以买滚球的正规平台以人为本的关怀研究所获得了一笔为期12个月的赠款,以帮助改善四方城市地区的难民安置工作.

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Daniel Salazar

23岁的校友丹尼尔·萨拉查被选为富布赖特奖学金的决赛选手, or award winner, for the English teaching assistantship in Spain. 富布赖特项目的申请者中,只有不到20%的人能够进入决赛.

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Johnny McGee and his family

Johnny McGee 24岁的时候有很多职业道路可以选择. 拥有运动科学学士学位和运动与运动心理学硕士学位, he thought he would go into the sports industry. 但他的祖母总是萦绕在他的脑海里.

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