
Tadd Ruetenik博士


Teaches a variety of philosophy courses including 美国哲学, 批判性思维, 人生哲学, and philosophy of religion.

Dr. Ruetenik is a 威廉•詹姆斯 scholar and member of the 威廉•詹姆斯 Society, Society for the 进步 of 美国哲学, and the American Philosophical Association.

读博士. Ruetenik的简历 (pdf)


Education and Training

  • PhD, Purdue University, 哲学 and Literature
  • MA, University of Toledo, 哲学
  • BA, Eastern Michigan University, 哲学

Areas of Professional Interest

  • 美国哲学
  • 威廉•詹姆斯
  • 哲学 of Religion
  • Progressive rock and metal music
  • Critical thinking and logic
  • 存在主义
  • 动物伦理
  • Latin American Culture

Presentations and Conferences

See CV for complete listing

国际 Presentations
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
"Gloria Anzaldúa, Hybrid History, and the American Imagination." Annual Conference of Society for the 进步 of 美国哲学. 2022年9月.

"The Many Faces of Globalism: Gloria Anzaldúa and the Herida Abierta of Colonialism." 国际 Conference for the Study of European Ideas. University of Zaragosa. 2019年7月.

"The City and the Hive: Susanne Langer and 威廉•詹姆斯 on Overpopulation and the Nature of Humanity." 哲学 of the City Conference. La Universidad de la Salle. 2018年10月.

"威廉•詹姆斯 the 哲学 of Teaching." Lectures at Beijing Normal University. 2018年5月.

"Demons, Mediums, and Seers: An Unorthodox Introduction to 威廉•詹姆斯." Summer Institute in 美国哲学. University College Dublin. 2015年6月.

Invited Presentations (选择)
"Sports: The Flywheel of the Military Industrial Complex." Lyceum Lecture Series. Murphreesboro: Middle Tennessee State University. 2020年3月.

Chair comments on the symposium "Pacifism: For and Against" (Andrew Fiala, 蝙蝠ami酒吧, 罗伯特·霍姆斯). American Philosophical Association (Central). Chicago: February 2018.

Conference Papers and Presentations (最近)
"'The Violence Against Me Prevailed': Communal Crisis and the Calling of Ambrose of Milan." St. Ambrose of Milan: Constructing Community. Davenport, IA: April 2018.

"Jane Addams, 'Pragmatic' Compromise, and Anti-War Pragmatism." Annual Meeting of the Society for the 进步 of 美国哲学. Indianapolis: March 2018. (Received the Ila and John Mellow Prize).

"Creationism, Darwinism, and the Pragmatism of 威廉•詹姆斯." American Philosophical Association (Central). Kansas City: March 2017.


Bodies and Battlefields: Abortion, War, and the Moral Sentiments of Sacrifice. CASCADE Books (under contract, forthcoming 2021).

The Demons of 威廉•詹姆斯: Religious Pragmatism Explores Unusual Mental States. 帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦 (2018).

"Father Catich and the Clean Cut Christs: Re-Presenting American Values Through Religious Art," in Imagining Dewey: Artful Works and Dialogue about Art as Experience. Brill Press (forthcoming 2020).

"The SNL Impressionist: What Does It Mean to be ‘Spot On,' and Does It Matter?" in SNL and 哲学. 布莱克威尔(2020).

文章 (选择)
"Jonathan Edwards and the Vegan Elect," Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory. 18:3 (2019).

"Victim Blaming and Victim Blaming Shaming," Cultura: 国际 Journal of 哲学 of Culture and Axiology. 16:1 (2019).

"Jane Addams, ‘Pragmatic' Compromise, and Anti-War Pragmatism.《正规买球平台有哪些》. 14:1 (2019).

The Demons of 威廉•詹姆斯 (2018). 帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦. ISBN 978-3-319-91623-1

Transactionism, Dominionism, and Moral Exceptionalism in Animal 道德. Contemporary Pragmatism. 13:2 (2016)

Self-Reliance, Plagiarism, and the Suicide of Imitation. Teaching American Literature. 8:1 (2015)

Violence Hidden: The Unacknowledged Victims of Flesh-Eating Rituals. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. 卷. 22 (2015)

Beauty, Horror and Tragedy: The Idea of Hell in Jonathan Edwards and 威廉•詹姆斯. 哲学 & 神学. 26:1 (2014)

Last Call for 威廉•詹姆斯: Pragmatism, Piper, and the Fruits of Psychical Research. 的多元. 7:1 (2012)

The Moral Equivalent of Meat: A Vegetarian Challenge to the American Omnivore. Contemporary Pragmatism. 8:2 (2011)

The First Church of Christ, Pragmatist: Christian Science and Responsible Optimism. Journal of Religion and Health. 50:3 (2011)

Another View of Arthur Dimmesdale: A Profound Lesson in Scapegoating from The Scarlet Letter. Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture. 卷. 18 (2011)

更多关于博士. Ruetenik


哲学 of Religion
Philosophies of Life
Senior Seminar in 哲学
Comprehensive Pro-Life 道德
Social and Political 哲学

Professional Memberships

Society for the 进步 of 美国哲学
Colloquium on Violence and Religion
威廉•詹姆斯 Society
Iowa Philosophical Society

Recipient of the 2018 Ila and John Morrow Prize, Society for the 进步 of 美国哲学


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